Monday, March 28, 2011


Today the mascot from the Houston Texans visited the kids school. His name is Torro the bull. So he was telling the kids to keep healthy by exercising,and eating right. He did some moves that he does at the football games,and danced. Fun time for the kiddos!!


Sunday we spent the afternoon at Ronnies. he had new wood floors laid so he wanted me to see them. They looked really nice. Ron and Ronnie played with the kids and other neighbor kids. I chilled and read the newspaper and drank a coke (aww the simple things) I am glad Ronnie lives close to us,he is an awesome brother to the kids,they adore him.


Friday Ronnie picked up Kaitlyn,and she stayed with him overnight,and Ron took Ryan Saturday night to the Drag Races in Baytown. I was scheduled to work in the kitchen at church (I really enjoy that) So I was teamed up with Amy Machin,she is such a great person. So we served snacks before and after church. Mr.Perry gave an awesome sermon about sin and examining ourselves. After church I helped with the snacks, then we had a potluck,boy was the food good. I really enjoyed all the fellowshipping that I was able to do. I got home at 7:30,and Ronnie dropped Kaitlyn off about 25 minutes later. Ron and Ryan had a blast at the dragapalooza. I am so glad they had some quality father son time, I think it is so important. What a great day!!!